
These courses should be completed in one sitting. If you need help, click here for troubleshooting.

Do not attempt this induction on a mobile phone!

do not use mobiles
Bitumen Plant Inductions


Bitumen and Delivery Driver Induction

(All Bitumen Carriers and drivers delivering goods to Bitumen facilities, complete this induction)



Bitumen Contractors Induction

(All persons that will perform work at Bitumen facilities, including Contractors, complete this induction)


Alert If you are delivering to BP Marine Kirra St, do not attempt these courses!
Contact Craig Barkeley on (07) 3243 7495 for the BP Marine (ATOM) induction course.

For Bitumen Plant induction information please contact:


Peter Beveridge
0490 425 849
Bulwer (Brisbane Bitumen):
Customer Service
(07) 3518 1343
Kirra Street (Brisbane):
Customer Service
(07) 3518 1343
Kwinana (Perth):
Matthew Allen
0458 455 350
Selfs Point (Hobart):
Adrian Short
0419 820 121
Townsville Bitumen:
Customer Service
(07) 3518 1320